Lean, Green, Clean Eating Machine!


Just a check in on where I’m at with my training. It’s one month into my program and I’m feeling like a lean, green, clean eating machine! I had a beautiful weekend enjoying the weather with friends and indulging in my cheat meal at Yochi.  This week is my last on this cycle of training, and I get to see my results so far and get a new training program!

One thing I’ve learnt is maintaining balance in your life on this kind of diet is tough. I spend a lot of time cooking, training and rehab-ing, and there isn’t much time for social activities. If I do want to go out with friends I have to bring my own food, unless I can plan my cheat meal around it.

I went down to a friend’s holiday house on Saturday to spend the day at the beach with some friends. I took all my own meals and ate at regular intervals. It didn’t really impact on my weekend at all – I still had a great time catching up with the girls. It’s awesome that my friends are so supportive of what I’m doing, and didn’t make me feel like a weirdo for eating my chicken and veggies while they nibbled on crackers and dip!

I’m now ready to throw myself into the last week of training I have before the next body fat screening. I’ve worked pretty hard and been disciplined with my eating for the past month.  I certainly feel leaner, but I’m looking forward to seeing the numbers on how my body has changed. I am motivated by measurable results! Wish me luck 🙂

With love,
B. xx

If you never try, you’ll never know


Today I mustered up the courage to share my blog with my family and friends via Instagram and Facebook. A few close friends had encouraged me to do so, but I couldn’t help but hold doubts – What if no one reads it? What if people put me down? (Let’s be honest, there are a lot of people who are negative about #fitspo style posts, and I’ve copped my fair share of it).

An even bigger, scarier thought is what if I fail? What if I share my goals and dreams with the world, and then fail to achieve them? Everyone would know that I failed.  Then I realized that no matter the outcome, I will still be a winner; for I will have learnt so much about myself, become a stronger person both mentally and physically, and developed the confidence to hold my head high and say “I’m proud of what I’ve achieved”. After all, it’s all about the journey not the destination.

So, I went ahead and shared this blog (along with some of my goals and dreams) with the world! And I was met with overwhelming support. I can’t believe how many wonderful, encouraging people I have in my life – people I know, and people I don’t know. So publicly, I want to say THANK YOU to every single one of you who has sent me a message of encouragement or taken the time to look at this blog or check out my Instagram @bec.cameron – it really is heart warming 🙂

And for a quick wrap up of where I’m at:

I’ve just finished my second cycle of training – I say cycle because my training program is over 6 days (2 days on, 1 off, 2 days on, 1 off = 1 cycle). I’m feeling strong, and have already started increasing my weights.

I’ve noticed in particular, my legs and stomach are looking leaner. I didn’t expect to see my body changing so quickly, when I’m still in the early days of the training program. I guess it just goes to show that it really is ‘80% diet, 20% gym’!

With love,
B. xx