Contact B


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about training, diet, or business.

email  Email inquiries:

Insta  Follow me on Instagram:   @bec.cameron

2 thoughts on “Contact B

  1. Rebecca

    So inspirational bec, I’ve always been interested in health and fitness and would love to do my personal training course when I get back from Europe. You’ve motivated me to expand my Knowledge in gym and my eating habits. Would potentially love to do what your working for in the future:)
    Struggling with my eating a little, wondering how long between meals you eat. And what carbs do you eat?


    • Thats so great to hear 🙂 glad i could motivate you!
      I usually eat every 2.5-3.5 hours. I try to eat when I’m starting to feel hungry, but before I get really hungry 🙂 I find thats the best way to avoid craving bad foods. For my carbs I eat pumpkin or sweet potato 🙂


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